All Conoa plugins support the following:
- Mac OS 9.2.2 and Mac OS X
- Win 2000 and XP
- Adobe After Effects 5.0 camera (where appropriate)
- Adobe After Effects 5.0 lights (where appropriate)
- Adobe After Effects 4.1 and above, including AE CS4
- Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 and higher
- Apple Final Cut Pro 3.0 and above
- Avid through Elastic Gasket
- Quantel through VDS
- 16 bit-per-channel color
Conoa EasyShapes offers the following unique features:
- Inexpensive
- Easy-to-use sphere, cube and cylinder
- Same camera, material and lighting models as Conoa 3D
- Ability to place camera inside the sphere, cube or cylinder
- Sides of cube can intersect
- Sides of cube can cast shadows onto each other
- Cylinder can wrap and unwrap
- Sphere can wrap and unwrap
- Cylinder can flex into a ring shape
- Compositing of shapes onto original layer
Conoa EasyFX offers the following unique features:
- Retain or subtract up to four independent colors
- Any layer may be converted to alpha channels
- Create globby shapes, which may be used as masks
- Create a toon look with variable bit control and region of interest contol
- Apply a variety of smoothing styles
- Tint your video with tri-tone controls and region of interest control
- Ability to soften the region of interest
Conoa 3D offers the following unique features:
- 12 different 3D geometric primitives with true 3D (no polygonalization)
- A true raytracing renderer
- 2 material models with ambient, diffuse and specular lighting
- Reflection
- Tranparency, with a variable index of refraction
- Texture mapping onto any primitive
- Shadows may be cast from any primitive to any other
- Soft shadow effects with area light sources
- Wireframe previews
- Bump mapping
- Environment mapping
- True 3D camera model
- Compositing of shapes onto original layer
Conoa SuperPak offers the following:
- All Conoa plugins, including Conoa EasyShapes, Conoa EasyFX, Conoa 3D and Conoa 3D Layer
All Conoa plugins are available at Conoa's
on-line store and
Also check out the Download
page for a free demo! Stop by the
page for a look at the various capabilities of the Conoa
plugins and go to the
page for contact info.